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Green Machine Learning
The green Cloud for AI and ML

Make your application greener

by operating on our sustainable infrastructure.

We offer

GPU servers water cooling graphic card think green

GPU servers

think green iaas infrastructure as a service icon


think green k8 k8s managed kubernetes icon

Managed Kubernetes

Make your application greener

Do you use artificial intelligence or machine learning? Then your application definitely requires vast amounts of resources, especially during the training phase. That’s why it makes sense to work with a cloud provider focused on ecologically and economically efficient technologies.

Think Green | The green Cloud for AI and ML

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open-source technologies for more transparency and digital sovereignty in the cloud
tailored hardware setup according to our customers’ requirements
GDPR compliant processing and storage of your data in Germany
Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | sustainable digitalization
renewable energy
We only use electricity from renewable energy sources. Rely on a 100% climate neutral energy supply
holistic cooling concept
Our data centers are equipped with direct hot water cooling, enabling high energy efficiency
use of server waste heat
The direct hot water cooling used by Cloud&Heat enables the reuse of server waste heat, for example for district heating

Think green!

There is a growing need for secure and sustainable digital infrastructures. Due to advancing digitalization and processor intensive applications, data centers expend an enormous amount of energy resources.

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | digitalisierung nachhaltigkeit | sustainable cloud

THINK - Digitalization
and Sustainability?

Users are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility with regard to the ecological impact of their IT infrastructures and are, therefore, looking to sustainable cloud solutions. In our cloud environments, your application can scale sustainably. Save time, money and resources building an infrastructure and trust in our many years of expertise in the cloud and data center market!

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | calculate co2 footprint | digital transformation

GREEN - high performance with sustainable operation

Our goal is to make digital infrastructures completely ecologically sustainable – from the IT infrastructure to the end user. By using the latest and most efficient technologies, we can reduce the CO₂ footprint of the cloud and data center industry and improve the carbon footprint across all sectors. Together we can master the digital transformation sustainably!

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | Performance | Scalability | Flexible IT Resources | Fast deployment of AI workloads

More performance? Scale your application

If your application’s workload requires more resources, the virtual machines (VMs) can scale vertically by adding more resources to a single instance. Flexible IT resources ensure rapid deployment of AI workloads.

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | Performance | Redundancy | Reliability | High Availability

Redundancy? High availability and reliability

In the case of horizontal scaling, additional virtual machines and clusters are added. If a virtual machine fails, the additional machines continue to run. Performance is increased with high availability and reliability through redundancy.

Efficient usage of IT resources
through virtualization

without virtualization
with virtualization

More performance for AI/ML using efficient cooling technology

air cooling
water cooling

your CO₂ footprint

000 kW2
(0 GPU-Server3)
0 kW 250 kW
Your digital footprint4
t CO2
2,4 Hektar Wald
t CO2
2,4 Hektar Wald
oder Kundenbeispiele auswählen
Machine learning application
2 GPU server
18 kW Abwärme Grüner Strom
RZ Eurotheum Frankfurt
Public & Private Cloud
21 GPU servers
250 kW Abwärme Grüner Strom

Decide for yourself how sustainably your application should be operated. Compare our standard to the use of a conventional cooling solution, taking into account green electricity 1 and the electricity (German) mix, as well as the potential use of waste heat.

  1. CO2-emission factor: 0,025 kgCO2/kWh for a green electricity mix with equivalent shares of photovoltaics, wind and hydropower ((Source: Emission balance of renewable energy sources, Federal Environment Agency 2018)
  2. IT performance in kW
  3. Supermicro SuperServer 9029GP (converted to water cooling by Cloud&Heat)
  4. Model calculation according to the Cloud&Heat white paper

Our responsibility
Your chance

Digital technologies are linked with expectations and hopes for new solutions for the protection of the climate and the environment. Data center operators are increasingly being held accountable for the reduction of CO₂ emissions through efficient solutions. Our CO₂ calculator enables operators and users more transparency regarding their own CO₂ footprint.

THINK GREEN – from the IT infrastructure to the end consumer

Our IT infrastructure is green
Your application becomes greener
Your customers become greener

Vision of a decentralized infrastructure


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Make the digital world sustainable. Preserve the natural world.

Together with our customers and partners, we want to make the applications of the future sustainable. #thinkgreen

Our references

These applications are all operated sustainably

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | KI Infrastruktur | KI Workloads | Managed Kubernetes
Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine learning | elevait | AI applications

elevait GmbH

Managed Kubernetes | OpenStack (with GPU)

Development of networked, individual, intelligent digital employees, who combine and apply specialist knowledge and experience as knowledge in standard software products with AI.

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | ML infrastructures | Sustainable Digitization


Managed GPU servers

nyris’ artificial visual intelligence is used to enable visual search engines for spare parts, products or objects.

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | IaaS | Managed Public Cloud | artificial intelligence environment | OpenStack


OpenStack / IaaS

application: Through the CITY CYCLING project, MOVEBIS measures and collects the data of cycle paths through sensor based movements of cyclists.

We work with you
side by side

Our team is on hand with advice.

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | Benjamin Schreier | personal consulting | personal support

Benjamin Schreier
Business Development &
Sales Manager

Cloud&Heat | think green | Green machine Learning | Linda Splitt | personal consulting | personal support

Linda Splitt
Business Development &
Sales Manager

Learn more about Cloud&Heat.

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